Have You Heard About Out Platinum Puppy Program?

Excited to have a puppy but want a good foundation already started? The Platinum Puppy Program is for you. We will personalize training specific to your needs and your puppy. Usually these puppies will stay until they are 12 weeks of age and will have a good foundation of the following behaviors.

  • Leash Training
  • Sit
  • Basic Impulse Control (Waiting patiently for reward)
  • Beginning Stay
  • Beginning Down
  • Advanced Litter Box or Beginning Crate Training
  • Advanced Socialization with People and Animals

Visit with us about your specific needs. 

Cost- $1200 until 12 weeks of age

What this program is not- fool proof house training, that allows you to turn your puppy loose and not make mistakes. 1 month is just not enough time to achieve the consistency nor are they mentally or physically ready in that amount of time.

Includes second vet visit with second set of vaccines.